Monthly Archives: February, 2015


Monday night I did my first Rx WOD and it was a killah:

WOD: 4 rounds for time of:
Med Ball Run, 20/14 lbs, 400 m
40 Overhead Walking Lunges, 20/14 lbs
20 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

Now don’t go thinking that I made it in under the time cap. Everybody else was at least 1 round ahead of me. I finished in 35:35, 5:35 over, but hey, I finished. The kids at the Box gave me a round of applause and I felt pretty chuffed.

Yesterday I was moving around like an extra from “The Walking Dead”, which is not to be confused with the Grateful Dead by any means. I did not look mellow or cool. Two workout days followed by one measly rest day and I had a bit of a retro George Romero thing going with my gait. It happens. 

Today was a workout day, and inspired by the fantastic weightlifting clinic on Sunday, I told myself, “No excuses, get thee to the Box”. Having made it up the friggin’ stairs, I decided to go back down them again and run to shake up my quads which were almost in rigor mortis. That went pretty well. More running for the official warmup, some stretches and then this:

Mobility: Ankle, Hip & Shoulder

Skill: Hip Snatch

Strength: Squat Snatch (High Hang) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 mins of:
10 Wall Balls, 6/10 kg
15 Kettlebell Swings, 16/24 kg

The Squat Snatch (Sasquatch?) was not happening for me. I was squatting too wide, not deep enough, I was looking at my feet…sheeesh. Why the hell did I not take an extra rest day?

I dithered about the kettlebells and chose a cute pink one (lightweight– 6 kgs if that), I was getting hangry, I hated crossfit, I had a baditude. I finished the WOD with my pink kettlebell 2 rounds +6, which was embarrassing and went home to shower and eat.

Early to bed tonight, rest day tomorrow. Friday morning, back in the Box in a better frame of mind.