Monthly Archives: November, 2015

Try A Little Tenderness

This morning I entered the Box determined to be kind to myself because Saturday’s workout had me almost in tears. I felt like such a failure:




400m run
5 rounds
30 Kettlebell swings 16/12
20 Overhead Lunges 10/5 bumper plate
10 Pushups
5 deadlifts 1x bodyweight
400m run


I managed to complete only 4 rounds and the last run. I gave myself a break on the deadlifts (50 kg) and I could only complete 4 rounds! By round 3 I was in meltdown mode so the coach told me to either ignore the clock and finish all 5 rounds or accept 4 rounds as my scale and round it off with a run. I scaled. On the way home I kicked myself for not going the full five rounds. I’m sure it would have probably killed me, but I should have done it because I am a badass Crossfitter. As far as I could see, scaling back the way I did is for candyasses. The walk from my car to my front door felt like the walk of shame. I should have pushed myself harder. What was wrong with me?


Sunday was an Advil day. Even my eyebrows hurt. It seems I pushed myself pretty hard on Saturday after all. Mulling over this brought a little grudging acceptance of my WOD result, maybe it wasn’t so awful as I thought.


Monday was my sporadic appointment at the sports dietician. Lately I’ve been convinced there’s something wrong with our washing machine because my clothes seem to be getting bigger. Maybe I lost weight. Maybe. I never weigh myself at home, and frankly, knowing the numbers has the potential to ruin a perfectly nice day. The dietician, however, doesn’t let me wriggle out of the weigh-in. Good golly, Miss Molly! I’ve lost 2.5 kilos since September! And 5 centimeters on my waistline! I was well chuffed.

The first snow/sleetfall came on Tuesday. I spent all morning reading Dawn French’s novel, According to Yes, in my pyjamas waiting for the snow/sleet to let up so that I could go for a run. The let up wasn’t happening, but where there’s Goretex, there’s a way, so off I went into the cold with a Stax compilation playlist on my iPhone. In my ears it was Memphis in the summertime and Booker T. and the M.G.s helped me keep up a good pace.

Back in the Box today at 9 am., only a few goats on the menu :

5 min AMRAP
3 Deadlift @ Bodyweight
5 Box Jumps 20″/24″
10 min AMRAP
15 Air Squats
25 Double Unders
5 min AMRAP
5 Kettlebell Swing 16/24 kg
10 Push Ups

After the Advil Sunday, it seemed prudent to stick to the 50 Kg. for the deadlifts and 12 Kg. for the kettlebells. I did the first box jumps RX, but they’re still shaky so I switched to stepping on and off the box. A gash in my shin is not on my Christmas list this year. I tried bargaining with Coach Marc about the double unders but he wasn’t having any of it. He’s a fair guy though and when he saw I was struggling through the first 25, he said I could count every attempt as a rep. By then I was feeling ornery and no-repped myself to two rounds + 21. It took me 10 full minutes to do 45 airsquats and 56 double unders, but all 56 were real double unders. I’ve never done that many before. That felt good.


Crossfit asks athletes to do extremely difficult things. Knowing your boundaries and how hard to push them is part of the game. Knowing when to show yourself a little kindness, which is not the same as taking it easy or cheating, is just as important. A true badass knows when to scale.

Just a Heads Up…

tiki head

Turns out my thyroid is in premium condition. However, the internist upped my asthma medication to 4x the dose I was taking and these days I’m feeling tip-top except for my left big toe, which I think I broke when I fell in Philly, but there’s nothing to do about that except big Advil with a whiskey chaser at bedtime. Rest? Hah! Rest does not fit into my strict training schedule. One does not get to Awesome by resting a potentially broken toe. No, I haven’t been to the doctor. Why make the GP an accessory after the fact? Particularly since there’s nothing to be done about a broken toe.

need to know

There’s a lot to be said for the “need-to-know” policy. I know when I have a fever and can take asprin and ignore it in order to function and go about my business as usual. If I actually took my temperature and saw that it was riding at 38.6, I’d feel obligated to act sick. Same thing with the toe. Yes, it’s probably broken. It hurts like a beeetch, but I can still walk and run on it so why make further inquiries? If the toe is confirmed as broken, my husband and sons would manhandle me to the couch and make the big dawg sit on my lap so I wouldn’t be able to get up and do anything. I figure if I’m not dead or so ill I can’t get up off the couch, there’s no excuse not to train.


On the Awesomeness Front: The handstand pushups are coming along. Still having a luvfest with the burpee. Believe it or not, wallballs are less of a problem. I’m starting to enjoy running, but I’m not keen on running in the rain or when its really cold. The weather hasn’t gotten to really cold here yet, but I’m sure I won’t like it. I have a few deadlift PR’s under my belt since last month. Overhead Squats are diabolical though—still at the broomstick phase. Last night I got confused at Tai Chi. My jeans are loose. Yay!

Oh, and by the way: One of the 074 Crew is writing a blog from the single guy’s point of view—have a look if you get the chance.    Just a Dream