Monthly Archives: November, 2018

Not Built for Speed; Fabulous Nonetheless

Its Sunday so I checked out my bullet journal (BuJo) this morning over coffee and saw (to my pleasant surprise) that I’ve been hitting the box twice a week the past two months! The idea was to up that to three times a week in December, but why mess with a good thing? I’ll just shift that over to my new year’s resolutions for 2019 and try to maintain the status quo for the time being. Thanks to the relatively mild autumn weather, I’ve also been running once or twice a week as well. Since I’m just running for the hell of it, I give myself a pass on rainy days. No sense in asking for double pneumonia, is there?


At last Thursday’s WOD, one of the new kids was a bit apprehensive about all the running. She is, she declared, “Not built for speed.” At 5′ 2” and (I’m told) curvy, I explained that in car terms, I’m actually a Chevy Corvair, liable to explode if I go too fast, so no sympathy here. It was a 20 minute AMRAP:

2 Strict Pull ups
4 Handstand Push ups
8 Kettlebell Swings 16/25
400 m. Run aka the “Klein Rondje Hazemeyer”


Since finding out this summer that the cartilage in my hands is basically shot, I scale everything involving hands, so I did this instead:

4 Ring rows
8 Push Press with a bare naked barbell (no extra weight)
8 Kettlebell Swings at 12 Kg.
And yes,
the Klein Rondje Hazemeyer because I have been, if not getting faster, developing a better condition and able to run a bit of a distance.

So I tell the new girl “buck up, we got this” and we paced ourselves. I was going for 3 to 4 rounds, but when we made it back to the gym floor after round 4 and there was 5 minutes left on the clock, I knew we could squeeze out 5 rounds of that particular tube of toothpaste. We did and that wasn’t bad, not bad at all.
