Monthly Archives: April, 2017

Hitting (my head against) the Wall

So up to today it’s been going pretty well for me at the Box. Although we’ve been waiting for our usual location to be cleared of asbestos and using another location on the complex, there’s a plus side: no friggin’ stairs.


Friggin’ stairs. Especially after lots o’ squats.


I could get used to that.

Peeking ahead, it was clear that today’s skill work would be challenging. Double-friggin’-unders. Rogier brought up the notion that the rhythm is DUM-tak-tak and not dum-TAK-TAK, which helps. Its a belly-dance/ musician thing, just sayin’. Will be working on that to this:

The WOD. What can I say? It was Blackjack

WOD: For Time
20 Push-Ups, 1 Sit-Ups
19 Push-Ups, 2 Sit-Ups
18 Push-Ups, 3 Sit-Ups
…continue this pattern until…
2 Push-Ups, 19 Sit-Ups
1 Push-Ups, 20 Sit-Ups
Each round consists of 21 reps (aka: “blackjack”) for a total of 441 reps in the workout.

Mae and Leonie were discussing the reps before we started. Frankly, I always prefer not to think about the reps. I was just hoping to be able to finish the WOD.

Started off with strict push ups. Bad move. Lost lots of time. Modified after the round with 15. It didn’t help. By round 8, I hit the wall and figured I’d be happy to finish the first half of the WOD, because after all that was 220 reps and today, that was enough. I have no idea what my time was, don’t care. The buzzer went off and I was still working. Next time it will matter. Next time I know where the wall stands.

7 Rounds– Nailed It!

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Wednesday 12-4
Skill: Ground to Overhead
Power Snatch, Squat Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Clean and (Push)Press
WOD: Every 2 mins for 7 rounds
6 Ground to Overhead (25/40 kg)
10 Burpees

Last night posted I was coming to the 9 am. WOD. Tossed and turned and decided I was doing thrusters for the “ground to overhead”. This morning woke up with wonky hands, decided against thrusters and a good thing that was because only the first thruster is ground to overhead, so thrusters were not on the menu.

Usual “Rondje Hazemeyer” for the warm up. I was fiddling with my Iphone because I wanted to run to music today to focus, so everybody else was well  out the door before me.  Thought I’d wave to the rest while they were on the back stretch and I was parallel, but when I got outside, I didn’t see anybody!  Now I am slow, (turtle in peanut butter slow) but this was ridiculous. Robert joined us this morning and by the time I was on the back stretch and hadn’t seen anybody’s dust, I started to worry that he’d organized everybody to jump out from behind a dumpster to scare me into picking up the pace and that I’d scream like an idiot, but no…Apparently the rest of the crew did  the short run around the building and I did the big run around the complex. Wtf.  I got a round of applause when I entered the building. Listened to some Captain Beefheart on my run, it wasn’t half bad.

Before we got into the WOD, I asked Coach Marc what to do if, like me, you probably wouldn’t finish the burpees before the next round started.  Start again. Oh joy!

Went with  25 kg. push-presses and  my weirdass burpees (still can’t do a legitimate burpee)– made the first round with a little time over to rest. Second round, same time. Considered stopping after the 3rd round, but hit the same time again. After the 4th, I knew I’d finish.

Form(ever) Follows Function, but only in Architecture and Design

According to U.S. architect, Louis Sullivan “Form (ever) follows function”. This became the credo of the modernist movement and a very admirable movement it was, bringing to light such construction heroes as Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Richard Neutra (my favorite), but I digress.

This quote sprang to mind today because unlike architecture, in Crossfit form must always come first. Bad form really fucks up your function, if you know what I’m saying.

Image result for neutra health house

Neutra’s “Lovell Health House” —nothing superfluous, beautiful clean lines = great form.

 FYI- a nice little link to   Kettlebells with Good Form.

This morning while, waling on my kettlebell swings during an AMRAP and going for speed I pulled  sin No. 3. Spaghetti city. For one second, I forgot to keep my core tight and I strained something funny. It feels like a skrinked rib. I’m sure it’s a skrinked rib muscle (intercostal). I have skrinked my ribs before and this feels familiar. Thank heavens for super-strength ibuprofen, you know… those gel things that kick in in minutes. Rest day tomorrow, back in the box on Wednesday. Form! Form! Form first and foremost in Crossfit.

Looked for an architecture themed vid, but this one has more schwung than Simon & Garfunkel