Sally is my BFF

Planned to go for a workout yesterday, but woke up grouchy and still sore from Monday’s WOD, so I stretched like Stretch Armstrong for a good half hour. My flexibility is about nil this days and I figure it’s a goat worth exploring as I’ve given up on pull ups because my grip is shot and boxjumps as well. People kept looking askance at my husband when I’d show up with gashes in my shins. I couldn’t do this to him any longer, he really is a lovely man. I’ve been following  Bowflex fitness on Youtube and I like their 5 minute full body stretch to warm up, then I add some yoga stretches and some (modified) wild Pilates moves I picked up this summer. Luckily no one can see me while I do this.


Rolled out of bed this morning determined to make it to the Box (and avoid the guys building our new carport– I love them but it’s been a week and I need a break). Following a quick oatmeal breakfast, flew out the door (without a coat) and made it to the Box in record time, about 20 minutes too early. Since the weather’s turned chilly and wet, I waited in the car. Without coffee, anything to read, or my phone, I was bored and tempted to sing along with the radio but soon my fellow crossfitters started arriving and the world was spared a banshee trauma.


When I heard we were doing the Bear Complex for strength, I could have done a (theoretical) backflip and I very nearly broke into song (banshee or no) when it was clear that today’s WOD would be my old bff, Sally. It seems I was the only one. Oh well, thems paybacks for all the HIIT and core work we’ve been doing lately and which are very hard for me, is all I’m saying.

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Paired up at first with Barbell Goddess Leonie for the Bear Complex and was again confronted by the fact that my strength is not what it was. Hit 37.5 kilos and that was all she wrote. Left Leonie to her own devices and max, and teamed up with another group. Result:

5x 1

Sally…you gotta love her, and I do, truly, madly, deeply. Once on vacation, Moby’s “Flowers” came drifting out of somewhere and purely by instinct and much to the amusement of my family, I dropped to a squat. Paging Dr. Pavlov for the psychiatric unit… Used a 25 kilo barbell today. R-friggin’ x. Thinking about going heavier next time, just for fun.


Altogether, I am happy with my sport regimen this week. If it is not raining too hard tomorrow, there’s a window of opportunity for a quick run too. I’ve been alcohol free since Saturday last, and won’t be hoisting an elbow until our (ahem) Hallowine party this weekend. Feeling good.




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