Monthly Archives: April, 2016

Stronger Every Day

Call me a bit of a planning freak. Sunday nights I map out the week ahead using a Priority Matrix.

Covey’s Time Management Matrix


A nice wine for an early springtime afternoon

After a relaxing, wine-filled  weekend,  I had lots of things to do starting Monday and an extremely tight schedule for training as well as running the house, walking the dogs, studying for German class…yada yada. This morning was down for a running day not a Crossfit day.. 4.5 K, intervals with the big dawg, an appointment with the dietician, errands, always errands, but wait. Our coach posted the WOD of my dreams late Sunday night…

Monday 4-4

Skill: Deadlift, Hang Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat


As Many Reps as Possible in 20 minutes
5 Deadlifts (34/52 kg)
5 Hang Power Cleans (34/52 kg)
5 Front Squats (34/52 kg)
5 Push Press (34/52 kg)
5 Back Squat (34/52 kg)

Crossfit has taught me many of things. One of them is to embrace the unknown and the unknowable and not always stick strictly to plans. Although  I may spend some time writing down  a week plan on Sunday night,  there’s always wiggle-room. I was wiggling the plans a lot by bedtime.

Thoughts before Bedtime

I fell asleep strategizing how I was  going to pace the rounds and what weight I’d use. I shifted my running day to Tuesday and decided that if I leave immediately after the WOD, chug my protein drink in the car and  and fudge a little on the speed limit (they’re advisory speeds, right?) I’d make it to the dietician’s appointment on time.

Glad I went. 8 rounds plus 9 reps, 20 kgs. Maybe next time I’ll try 25. The results at the dietician were good as well. I gained 2 pounds since last month, but it is all muscle and my body fat percentage is still going down!