Last “Soft Kitty” Day

Today is my last soft kitty day. I’m done with being sick. I’m also mortified because after my last post, I heard about another crossfitter who has a serious health issue and I had to ask myself, “What have you really got to complain about, Bubbeleh?”

Who has time to be sick? I’ve got Tai Chi coming up on Wednesday, people to see, a weigh-in on the 28th (which means NO MORE DORITOS), Crossfit 074 is holding a master class in functional movement this afternoon…Although I won’t be making it to the master class, I did manage to get in a little running.

Determination badge

I am officially AWESOME! according to my running app. This was a nice kick in the pants because


I can go for months without feeling awesome.

Why am I awesome today? Let’s get real because we all know the app is paid to tell me I’m awesome so that I upgrade to the 10K version. Here are some observations from this morning’s run which made me feel truly awesome: 

  • The wall has moved. Session 4 is no longer a problem. Session 5 is a little bastard, however.
  • My calves don’t feel like concrete by the time I get back to my driveway.
  • I’ve been running on tarmac and not the dirt/gravel paths because the street lamp posts make it easier to judge distance and my feet don’t ache anymore from the pounding I give them on a hard surface.
  • There’s a feeling I’m running with my whole body, not just legs and arms pumping. I’m only thinking about form, breathing, getting to the next session, not worrying about anything irrelevant to this moment in time.

2 responses

  1. Move it girl! “What have you really got to complain about, Bubbeleh?”

    Haven’t heard bubbeleh in awhile – maybe like half a century!


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